The Versatile Blogger Award

I have just been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by Marvelline Marvels.Thank you so much, Marvelline! I’ve got to say, it feels amazing to get any type of acknowledgement, and to see that I’ve touched even just one person – you have most definitely made my day, as does every single person who likes or comments on one of my posts ^^



  1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
  2. Include a link to their blog.
  3. Select 15 blogs that are truly excellent and nominate them for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  4. List 7 things about yourself.

To start, here’s 7 little tidbits about me:

  1. I was born in Paris and have lived in France most of my life, but sometimes feel like English has become closer to a mother tongue to me than French.
  2. In completely French fashion, I play the accordion. Which I will admit is a bit weird. I also play the piano.
  3. I have four sisters, all of whom live in France. I love them to bits and miss them every day.
  4. My favourite type of literature is Russian literature: I’m currently reading The Master and Marguerite and I think it’s a fantastic read.
  5. I love eating healthy, I do – but sometimes, nothing beats a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Truth.
  6. I’ve got asthma and kick-ass allergies! Part of eating healthy for me has something to do with trying to control that through nutrition, if at all possible.
  7. I used to be very sporty, before I fell and twisted my knee two years ago. I’m still trying to get back to that level of fitness.

I would, in turn, like to nominate the following blogs that I’ve just recently discovered and gotten to enjoy.

  1. Dana Fashina, from I’ve Got Cake. I love her style!
  2. Foodie on Board
  3. Cookin’ Five Square Meters
  4. A Taste of Wellness
  5. Cooking in Sens
  6. The Sweet and Savory Bite
  7. For Frucs Sake – a family going sugar-free!
  8. Chanayado. Nothing to do with cooking, but beautiful prose.
  9. Sincerely, Becca. Her posts are very touching.
  10. The Garum Factory – beautiful food pictures.
  11. Steps in Thyme
  12. Lace Apron
  13. Half a Photograph
  14. My Passenger Diaries
  15. Dorkchops

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